Principles of the user of solutions based on
New technologies – ethical issues.
Rules of behavior have been established for artificial intelligence:
Every new technology raises ethical issues. In the case of artificial intelligence, there are clearly defined rules of behavior for developers: 193 countries have signed the Agreement on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, which was created under the auspices of the United Nations.

At the same time, our behavior as users of AI systems is uncontrolled. We often play with AI-based solutions, accidentally or deliberately giving it negative content without thinking about the consequences of our actions.

It seems that the responsibility of AI users is important: their actions should be regulated by ethical principles at their level of influence as well.

Innopolis University offers you its own vision of recommendations for users of AI-solutions. Please read it and give us feedback. Your opinion is important to us - we will take it into account when compiling the final list of recommendations, which we hope will be shared by millions of users in the future.
193 countries have signed the United Nations Agreement
№ 1
I believe that developers strive to create the safest artificial intelligence systems possible, and the more precisely I follow their recommendations, the safer I feel.
№ 2
My interaction with AI systems is an interaction with people who created/left their data there.
№ 3
I realize that despite the efforts of the developers, sometimes the information in the AI system may be incorrect or outdated.
№ 4
I am aware that the response of the AI system may not satisfy me: I may have entered an incorrect query or not understood the response. The developers are not responsible for this.
№ 5
When working in AI systems, I will not humiliate other people regarding their race, age, gender, health or religion.
№ 6
If AI systems contradict my cultural beliefs in some way, I do not consider it a deliberate insult.
Principles for Users of AI-solutions:
I believe that developers strive to create the safest artificial intelligence systems possible, and the more precisely I follow their recommendations, the safer I feel.
I am aware that the response of the AI system may not satisfy me: I may have entered an incorrect query or not understood the response. The developers are not responsible for this.
My interaction with AI systems is an interaction with people who created/left their data there.
When working in AI systems, I will not humiliate other people regarding their race, age, gender, health or religion.
I realize that despite the efforts of the developers, sometimes the information in the AI system may be incorrect or outdated.
If AI systems contradict my cultural beliefs in some way, I do not consider it a deliberate insult.
Your opinion:
Your vote is taken into account. Thank you for participating!
+7 (843) 203-92-53
420500, Innopolis, Universitetskaya str., 1